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Tucker Carlson grilled 'creepy porn lawyer' Michael Avenatti why Daniels' career has stalled while he is thinking of running for president. He said the attorney wears thousand-dollar suits while his client performs at strip clubs. The FOX News host said to Avenatti he is an exploiter of a woman and he should be ashamed of himself. (Update below transcript: Avenatti called Tucker Carlson a 'liar, just like Trump' in post-interview tweets.)
'You’re wearing $1,000 suit. Why is -- why are you not paying her?' Carlson asked the attorney.
'You’ve profited from Stormy Daniels. You’ve gotten tens of millions of dollars worth of free media on the basis of your relationship with her and she’s working in strip clubs. You’re exploiting her and you know that. Why aren’t you paying her some of what you’re making?' Carlson asked in the interview.

Sep 13, 2018 Tucker Carlson grilled 'creepy porn lawyer' Michael Avenatti why Daniels' career has stalled while he is thinking of running for president. He said the attorney wears thousand-dollar suits while.

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'I think you are exploiting her as I’ve said five times and you haven’t answered the question which is why is it that her life has stalled and your life has -- you’re planning a new career as a politician and like so many lawyers, you are taking advantage of her,' Carlson stated.
'And you pose as a feminist hero because you are shameless and the other channels let you get away with it. But you’re an exploiter of a woman and you should be ashamed of it,' he added.
At the top of the interview, Carlson said that he would not call although the chyron in the lower third read 'TUCKER TAKES ON CREEPY PORN LAWYER' throughout the segment.
'In the past, he's also demanded we stop referring to him by a certain unflattering nickname. We haven't agreed with that demand and tonight as a gesture of goodwill we will not use that nickname because we are always grateful when guests are brave enough to show up in person, including in this case,' Carlson started.
Eventually, the two argued over pornography and his use of Stormy Daniels to appear on cable news and Carlson closed the segment out with a departing comment: 'Goodbye, Creepy Porn Lawyer.'
'The extent there was any doubt as to the lack of professionalism of Tucker Carlson or FOX News before tonight, there is no longer. What happened with the chyron tonight was a disgrace. Complete garbage - trash television. A new low,' Avenatti wrote on Twitter.
Full transcript, via FOX News:

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX HOST: Thanks a lot for coming on. So -- I mean we could sit and hurl insults at each other for the segment. Already done that. I’ve certainly insulted you, you’ve insulted me.
But you seem smart. So let me take you seriously as someone who wants to involved in the public conversation and ask you about things that you have said on questions of policy to flesh them out a little bit.
So this is you at a rally in July. I think it was the day after the President spoke with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and you were addressing a rally and here’s what you said. Watch.
MICHAEL AVENATTI: What Vladimir Putin and Russia did to this country in connection with the 2016 election is no different than if they would have place 100,000 troops on our border.
This was an invasion. It was an electronic invasion. They used hackers and tweeters to elect this president.
CARLSON: So if Russia had 100,000 troops on our border, I mean that would be an act of war of profound provocation. What would be the ration response to that if you really felt the threat was that profound? If you were president how would you respond to that?
AVENATTI: Well, Tucker, I understood that I was coming on your show tonight to talk about the case involving my client.
CARLSON: Well (ph), I didn’t -- I didn’t tell you that and I’m happy to talk about the case but I just played you a clip. I don’t …
AVENATTI: Tucker, Tucker, Tucker, Tucker you got to stop -- Tucker, you got to stop interrupting me. OK? Because one of the conditions of me coming on tonight was that you were not going to do what you do routinely to guest, which is talk over them and interrupt them. So just let me finish with my answer. OK. Let me finish with my answer.
CARLSON: OK. I said I’d give you a fair interview. I just -- I actually don’t have an interest in squabbling with you at all or name calling. I’ve done a lot of that too you and (inaudible).
AVENATTI: Right but (inaudible). No, but not to my face.
CARLSON: I could but what’s the point. I want to take you seriously. I’m serious.
CARLSON: So I just played a clip of what you said at a rally. You’re traveling to states because you want to influence policy direction. I don’t think it’s unfair to ask you about that you said.
AVENATTI: What’s the question?
CARLSON: And the question, let me restate it is, you said that Russia has done something that is equivalent to putting 100,000 troops on our boarder. That’s an act of war.
AVENATTI: Correct.
CARLSON: And I wonder two things. One, what you would do as president if that happened under your watch? And two, what do you think Russia thinks watching public figures like you say that we’re at war with Russia? What effect do you think that has?
AVENATTI: Well, first of all, there’s no question that Russia interfered with the 2016 election in a very serious way. The only question is what was the involvement in Donald Trump or by Donald Trump and his cronies in the process? And that’s what Bob Mueller’s in the process of getting to the bottom of but …
CARLSON: But how should we as a country respond?
AVENATTI: There you go interrupting me again. So how should we respond …
CARLSON: Because I asked you three times.
AVENATTI: We should respond with absolute force of the law. We should be doing everything in our power to bring those individuals to justice. Those individuals that are also in Russia.
And let me tell you what we should not be doing. We should not be standing shoulder to shoulder with Vladimir Putin and choosing Russia over the hardworking men and women of the Intelligence Community that risk their lives for this country. The president has sold out the United States.
CARLSON: OK. So the administration announced today a new round of even tougher sanctions against Russia. Do you support that?
AVENATTI: I -- I think it’s a start but I don’t think it’s …
CARLSON: What would be the end (ph)?
AVENATTI: I don’t think its step in the right direction. I don’t think the president has shown any leadership relating to Vladimir …
CARLSON: Sanctions are not a step in the right direction?
AVENATTI: No, I said a (ph) step. But it’s not enough. I believe that President Trump should demand the extradition of each and every individual in Russia that Bob Mueller and others believe were responsible for the election meddling in 2016.
CARLSON: (Inaudible) charged.
AVENATTI: (Inaudible).
CARLSON: But what’s -- I mean if you believe that it’s the same as 100,000 -- what I’m saying is your using reckless rhetoric on a subject you don’t really understand that increases the temperature between the United States and nuclear armed adversary. Is that a responsible thing to do?
AVENATTI: I -- I think under the circumstances I stand by my words and I think for you to …
CARLSON: But it’s 100,000 troops on the border?
AVENATTI: I -- I -- I think for you to lecture me about reckless rhetoric is rather ironic. Tucker, in light of some of the reckless rhetoric that you engage in each and every day on …
CARLSON: Reckless rhetoric. OK. So you’ve said that you are a civil (ph) libertarian in affect. You’re a libertarian on sex questions. And that -- that’s fine with me. Does it bother you that the Obama administration authorized spying on American citizens connected to rival presidential campaign?
AVENATTI: Well, first of all, I don’t think it’s been established that that occurred, number one.
CARLSON: That Carter Page was spied on?
AVENATTI: I don’t believe that that’s been establish, number one. That in fact President Obama authorized …
CARLSON: His -- his administration.
AVENATTI: Are you going to interrupt me for the entire segment or just …
CARLSON: I’m -- I’m clarifying because I don’t think you understand the question. The Obama administration authorized spying on an American citizen connected to the Trump campaign. Does that bother you at all?
AVENATTI: First of all, I don’t think that’s been established. If it was established, of course it would bother me. Are we going to get to the facts of clients case? Are we going to get …
CARLSON: Let me just ask you one last real adult question first because you’re traveling around the country as a commentator on politics and I’m interested to know what you think. I don’t think that’s illegitimate. So it has not been established that Carter Page was spied on? Is that what -- is that what you’re saying?
AVENATTI: How many times are you going to ask me the same question? I’ve already stated that in my view I don’t believe that President Obama has been shown to have authorized the spying, quote unquote …
CARLSON: The Obama administration. Why dodge the question? Look, you traveled here with policy advisors who’ve worked on other campaigns to (inaudible). You think you’d be ready for a simple question.
AVENATTI: I didn’t travel here with policy advisors. Can I ask you -- let me ask you a question. Why is …
CARLSON: When you get a TV show then you can me a question. I’ve asked you a simple question that you’re not answering.
AVENATTI: Why is it that you don’t call -- why isn’t it that you don’t call Donald Trump the creepy porn president. He’s the one that had sex with a four month old son at home with my client without a condom. But you don’t want to acknowledge that. You don’t want to acknowledge that.
CARLSON: What do you mean acknowledge that?
AVENATTI: Acknowledge it. Do you believe that he had sex with my client?
CARLSON: Yes, I do. I’ve said that on the air multiple times.
AVENATTI: OK. So he’s lied repeatedly to the American people and you’re OK with that. You think it’s OK if the President lies to the American people.
CARLSON: Settle down. Let me finish my question to you. What is the crime, the harm, the injury to your client by Donald Trump? As far as I understand this was a consensual sexual relationship. And yes I believe it occurred.
I don’t know that but it seems like it did. I’m willing to believe that it did. But it seemed consensual and then she was paid at the end of it. And yet, you -- and by the way, I’m not attacking Stormy Daniels. I feel sorry for her. I feel she’s being exploited by …
AVENATTI: You’ve attacked her for six months.
CARLSON: I feel that you and others are exploiting her. So I feel bad for her. But I’m wondering what the injury is to her.
AVENATTI: I think you demean her repeatedly.
CARLSON: Really?
AVENATTI: And I think you’re -- I think you’re a hypocrite.
CARLSON: So let me ask you -- let me ask you what the injury -- you want to talk about the case. I’m asking you the core question in the case.
CARLSON: What is the injury to Stormy Daniels?
AVENATTI: The injury is is that the agreement that was entered to was not adhered to by Michael Cohen and Donald Trump. They did not fulfill their end of the bargain. Now, do you want to talk to me about the injury to the American people? The lies and the cover up (inaudible) …
CARLSON: You believe that -- you believe -- no but you just went off on this moral lecture about how it was wrong for the president to have an adulterous affair. And I would agree with that. But your very outrage …
AVENATTI: I didn’t say that.
CARLSON: Yes, you said it’s an injury against the American people that he had sex with someone, not his wife …
AVENATTI: No, you didn’t let me finish. You didn’t let me finish. The injury is that he and Michael Cohen and others lied to the American people and covered up the $130,000 payment and violated campaign finance law. That’s why Michael Cohen -- I’m not done.
That’s why Michael Cohen just plead guilty. That’s why Michael Cohen just plead guilty.
CARLSON: I understand that. I’ve been following the news as well.
CARLSON: Did Donald Trump have a moral obligation to tell the American people that he had a sexual relationship with Stormy Daniels?
AVENATTI: I don’t care whether he had a moral obligation or ..
No, what he had an obligation to do was not cover it up and lie about it and commit campaign finance violations. As his right hand, Michael Cohen just pled guilty to the felony. Tucker, what are you talking about.
CARLSON: To campaign finance violations?
AVENATTI: Yes, associated with Ms. McDougal. And I thought you were following the news. I thought you were knowledgeable about these things.
CARLSON: So let me ask you -- let me ask you, I’m a little confused. So you’re the protector of Stormy Daniels. Stormy Daniels is right now working in strip clubs in little towns on stage; people are throwing things at her. You’re wearing $1,000 suit. Why is -- why are you not paying her?
You’ve profited from Stormy Daniels. You’ve gotten tens of millions of dollars worth of free media on the basis of your relationship with her and she’s working in strip clubs. You’re exploiting her and you know that. Why aren’t you paying her some of what you’re making?
AVENATTI: Sir, this is absurd. I am not …
CARLSON: It’s not absurd. Those are the facts.
AVENATTI: No, you don’t know the facts as evidence by the fact that you don’t even know …
CARLSON: Is she working in strip clubs?
AVENATTI: Are you going to continue to interrupt me or are you going to let me finish.
CARLSON: I do know the facts actually.
AVENATTI: No, you don’t because you just demonstrated your ignorance because you didn’t even know Michael Cohen pled to two felonies associated with the campaign finance …
CARLSON: I don’t believe that what Cohen did -- and I’m not defending Cohen, I never have, was the campaign finance violation.
AVENATTI: Well he pled to it.
CARLSON: I think it’s absurd.
AVENATTI: He pled guilty to two felonies.
CARLSON: OK. So everyone who pleads -- look, this is we have an honest -- I don’t think it was a campaign finance violation. Stormy Daniels was to perform enrichment in a depressing strip club -- this hero that you say you’re protecting -- you’re her protector. Why is she working in seedy strip clubs while you’re on television wearing expensive suits? Why are you not exploiting her? Why is she doing that?
AVENATTI: Because she wants to Tucker.
CARLSON: Oh, she wants to have people throw things at her.
AVENATTI: This is America -- this is America and guess what, if a woman wants to perform in a strip club, she does so even though -- even though -- I’m not getting rich -- even though people like -- even though people like you demean her …
CARLSON: I’m not demeaning her.
AVENATTI: And call her …
CARLSON: You’re the one who’s profiting.
AVENATTI: You’re the one who refers to her consistently as porn star and as to me as a creepy porn lawyer. And meanwhile you give the president -- meanwhile you give the president a pass who had unprotected sex with a porn star with a four month old son at home.
CARLSON: Well, you are a moralizer for a guy who does what you do.
CARLSON: But you are though. You are a little moralizer. You’re like -- we’re in church now -- with a four month old son. OK. I’m -- I’m officially shocked by Donald Trump’s behavior. I had no idea. It blew my mind. But answer my question. Why are you rich and your client is working in seedy strip clubs?
AVENATTI: Sir, do you have any idea how much money I’ve earned?
CARLSON: You’re on every cable show. You’re running for president now.
AVENATTI: You have no idea.
CARLSON: Well I know that you haven’t paid your taxes because you’ve got over a million dollars worth of …
AVENATTI: You don’t even know your facts.
CARLSON: (Inaudible) true but you have over a million dollars in …
AVENATTI: You don’t even know your facts, Tucker. Tucker …
CARLSON: Look, I’m just saying why is she still …
AVENATTI: Tucker, how do you have a show and you’re this ignorant. How is that a …
CARLSON: Here’s what I know for a fact is that your client is not thriving. And for you to look at me in the eye and say she wants to perform in strip clubs with people throwing stuff at her is insulting to her. People don’t do that unless they have no choice or if she just likes it. Is that what you’re saying?
AVENATTI: Tucker, now you’re the defender of my client. You don’t know anything about my …
CARLSON: It’s pathetic. You’re exploiting her.
AVENATTI: You don’t even know -- you don’t know anything about my client. Exploiting my client …
CARLSON: I know that she’s working in strip club in Richmond.
AVENATTI: You got to let me finish. Can I finish?
CARLSON: Please do.
AVENATTI: All right. I’ve done a remarkable for my client and she’ll be the first one to tell you that and had you listened to any of her interviews or seen any of her comments, you would know exactly what she thinks of me.
I am not -- I’m not done. I am not exploiting my client. I’m representing my client to the absolute …
I’m still -- I’m still talking.
CARLSON: Does she have to be booker (ph) from CNN to get through to you?
AVENATTI: That’s -- that’s disgusting. Why don’t you show some respect …
CARLSON: What’s disgusting is you are thriving and she is …
AVENATTI: Respect for my client and me and stop calling us a porn star and a creepy porn lawyer. If you’ve got that big a problem with porn -- do you have that big a problem with porn?
CARLSON: I’m not making fun of -- hold on slow down.
AVENATTI: When’s the last time you saw porn?
CARLSON: Oh, you busted me. Actually maybe humiliation porn that’s why I watch you on CNN.
AVENATTI: No, no, but when’s the last time you -- when’s the last time you viewed porn.
CARLSON: You’re a little creepier even than I realized.
AVENATTI: Do you have a problem with porn?
CARLSON: You’re dodging with the question that I have asked you repeatedly.
AVENATTI: Let me ask you a question, do you believe that people that view porn should watch your show?
CARLSON: I’m not even sure what that question means. But I will say this sincerely that I have never attacked Stormy Daniels.
AVENATTI: Yes, you have, repeatedly.
CARLSON: I think you are exploiting her as I’ve said five times and you haven’t answered the question which is why is it that her life has stalled and your life has -- you’re planning a new career as a politician and like so many lawyers, you are taking advantage of her.
And you pose as a feminist hero because you are shameless and the other channels let you get away with it. But you’re an exploiter of a woman and you should be ashamed of it. That is my ..
AVENATTI: Are you going to let me -- let me respond …
CARLSON: No, we’re out of time. I gave you enough time -- more time than I promised you but it’s nice to see you.
AVENATTI: Yet again.
CARLSON: 12 minutes. Creepy porn lawyer, great to see you.

Avenatti responded on Twitter not soon after the interview ended:

Yes. After he told me that he was not going to engage in “name calling.” This is why so many people correctly conclude that @TuckerCarlson is a liar, just like Trump.

— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) September 14, 2018

Disgraceful. Garbage host. Garbage network.

— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) September 14, 2018

The extent there was any doubt as to the lack of professionalism of @TuckerCarlson or @FoxNews before tonight, there is no longer. What happened with the chyron tonight was a disgrace. Complete garbage - trash television. A new low.

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— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) September 14, 2018

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