Fstream.h In Dev C++

Basicfstream File stream (class template ) basicfilebuf File stream buffer (class template ) Classes Narrow characters (char) ifstream Input file stream class (class ) ofstream Output file stream (class ) fstream Input/output file stream class (class ) filebuf File stream buffer (class ) Wide characters (wchart) wifstream Input file stream. C File I/O. To use file I/O in C you typically include the iostream.h and fstream.h header files: #include h #include fstream.h In C you declare variables of the ofstream and ifstream classes to get output and input file streams, respectively. Output streams are used to write to files just as you would cout. Dec 07, 2017  please translate it into english. May 20, 2017  First of all, Dev C is not a compiler, it's an IDE that interfaces with a compiler (most presumably GCC/MingW in your case). The compiler suite is the one having the header files, not the IDE. Just do code#include /codeinstead of c.

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#include Fstream.h In C++

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This data type represents the file stream generally, and has the capabilities of both ofstream and ifstream which means it can create files, write information to files, and read information from files. Dbms_auto_task_admin.disable sql tuning advisor.


Below is definition of std::fstream.

Fstream C++ Tutorial


  • charT − Aliased as member char_type.

    Orwell's dev c++. Programming Research Group of. Wadler, P.L.; et al. 'Introduction to Orwell 5.00'. In the late 1980s and the 1990s, most of the computing practical assignments for studying for a in Mathematics and Computation at were required to be completed using the language.References.

  • traits − Aliased as member traits_type.

Member types

Following member types can be used as parameters or return type by member functions.

Sr.No.Member typesDefinition
1charCharacter Type
3intconst value_type

Functions from <fstream>

Below is list of all methods from <fstream>

Member functions

Fstream.h In Dev C Language

Sr.No.Method & description

Closes the file currently associated with the object, disassociating it from the stream.


Returns whether the stream is currently associated to a file.


Opens the file identified by argument filename, associating it with the stream object.


Returns a constant iterator which points to the start of the array.


Returns a pointer to the internal filebuf object.


Exchanges all internal data between x and *this.

Non-member overloaded functions

Sr.No.Method & description

Exchanges the values of the fstream objects x and y.

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